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Title: [As Tudela was besieged by the French, the Spanish army with Zumalakarregi in its ranks, made a sortie]
Publisher: Imprenta de la Sociedad de Operarios del mismo Arte, Madrid
Description: Luxury edition (by instalments), with engravings edited by José Vallejo. Autographed. Author of the book: Francisco de Paula Madrazo. "To interrupt the besieging troops¿ activities, the Spanish made a sortie on the 31st (of December), commanded by brigadier Fernando Gomez de Butron [...]. A small group, of which Zumalacárregui formed part went ahead of the column"
Physical description: 1 5 x 9 cm engraving on a 25 x 17 cm page
Issue Date: 1844
Publication: Museo Zumalakarregi Museoa
Appears in Collections:Prints XIX century album

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