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Title: San Sebastian (Guipuzcoa) : the "Concha" from the Alderdi eder park: hotels on "Mira-Concha": general view of the town and the "Concha": Zurriola beach: view from the road to France
Publisher: Establecimiento tipografico "Sucesores de Rivadeneyra", Madrid
Description: 15th of August 1883 edition. Autographed. (Composition and drawing from life, by Riudavets). It illustrates "Estaciones veraniegas del norte de España" [Summer resorts in Northern Spain]
Physical description: 1 35 x 49 cm engraving on a 40 x 56 cm page
Issue Date: 1883
Publication: Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea
Appears in Collections:Prints XIX century album

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