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Title: Pamplona ¿ Important defensive work on San Cristóbal hill, being carried out by the Military Engineers Corps
Publisher: Imprenta, esterotipia y galvanoplastia de Aribau y Cª, sucesores de Rivadeneyra, Madrid
Description: 22nd of April 1881 edition. Autographed. (Drawing by N[emesio] Lagarde). "Bearing in mind Pamplonás exceptional importance in our country's defensive system [...], it it was decided recently to transform the area around the town into a huge field with trenches to build a series of exterior forts, and improve...its defensive capacity".
Physical description: 1 24 x 33 cm engraving on a 28 x 40 cm page
Issue Date: 1881
Publication: Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea
Appears in Collections:Prints XIX century album

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