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dc.contributorBatty - Captain-
dc.coverage.spatialDonibane Lohitzune - Laburdi-
dc.descriptionAutor del libro : Captain Batty. "The name of Soco is from the Basque, Zocoa [...] Its little harbour is strongly fortified, and its batteries serve at the same time to guard the entrance to the bay." (El nombre Soco proviene del vasco, Zocoa [...] Este pequeño puerto está duramente fortificado y sus baterías sirven, al mismo tiempo, para defender la entrada a la bahía.)es
dc.descriptionLiburuaren egilea : Batty kapitaina. "The name of Soco is from the Basque, Zocoa [...]Its little harbour is strongly fortified, and its batteries serve at the same time to guard the entrance to the bay." (Soco izena euskarazko Zokoatik dator [...]Portu txiki hau oso sendo gotortuta dago, eta bertako bateriek badiako sarrera babesteko ere balio dute.)eu
dc.descriptionAuthor of the book: Captain Batty. "The name of Soco is from the Basque, Zocoa [...] Its little harbour is strongly fortified, and its batteries serve at the same time to guard the entrance to the bay."en
dc.descriptionAuteur du livre : Captain Batty. "The name of Soco is from the Basque, Zocoa [...] Its little harbour is strongly fortified, and its batteries serve at the same time to guard the entrance to the bay." (Le nom de Soco vient du basque, Zocoa [...] Ce petit port est lourdement fortifié et ses batteries servent en même temps à garder l¿entrée de la baie.)fr
dc.format.extent1 grabado de 20 x 26 cm en h. de 23 x 30 cmes
dc.format.extentGrabatua, 20 x 26 cm-koa, 23 x 30 cm-ko
dc.format.extent1 20 x 26 cm engraving on a 23 x 30 cm pageen
dc.format.extent1 gravure de 20 x 26 cm en h. de 23 x 30 cmfr
dc.publisherJohn Murray, Londones
dc.publisherJohn Murray, Londoneu
dc.publisherJohn Murray, Londonen
dc.publisherJohn Murray, Londonfr
dc.relation.ispartofCampaign of the left wing of the allied army, in the western Pyrenees and south of France, in the years 1813-14 under Field-Marshal the Marquess of Wellington-
dc.sourceKoldo Mitxelena Kulturuneaes
dc.sourceKoldo Mitxelena Kulturuneaeu
dc.sourceKoldo Mitxelena Kulturuneaen
dc.sourceKoldo Mitxelena Kulturuneafr
dc.subjectArte y Arquitectura-Edificios militares-Fuerteses
dc.subjectComunicaciones-Medios transporte-Embarcaciones-Veleroses
dc.subjectPaisaje natural-Costases
dc.subjectArtea eta Arkitektura-Eraikin militarrak-Gotorlekuakeu
dc.subjectNatura paisaia-Itsasertzaeu
dc.subjectArt and Architecture-Military buildings-Fortsen
dc.subjectCommunications-Means of transport-Vessels-Sailing boatsen
dc.subjectNatural landscape-Coastsen
dc.subjectArt et Architecture-Edifices militaires-Fortsfr
dc.subjectCommunications-Moyens de transport-Embarcations-Bateaux à voilefr
dc.subjectPaysage naturel-Côtesfr
dc.titleFuerte Socoaes
dc.titleSokoako gotorlekuaeu
dc.titleFort Socoaen
dc.titleFort Socoafr
dc.typeImage - GRABADOes
dc.typeImage - GRABATUAeu
dc.typeImage - ENGRAVINGen
dc.typeImage - GRAVUREfr
ESE.dataProviderDiputación Foral de Gipuzkoa - Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia-
ESE.providerDiputación Foral de Gipuzkoa - Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia-
izfe.coleccionCarteles, dibujos y grabadoses
izfe.coleccionKartelak, marrazkiak eta grabatuakeu
izfe.coleccionPosters, drawings and printsen
izfe.coleccionAffiches, dessins et estampesfr
Appears in Collections:Prints XIX century album

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