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Bilaketaren emaitzak:
AurrebistaArgitalpen dataTituluaEgilea/k
Obispo de León, el1837Obispo de León, elMagués, M. Isidore
Infante don Sebastián, el1837Infante don Sebastián, elMagués, M. Isidore
Plaza de Vitoria, la1837Plaza de Vitoria, laMajor C. V. Z. Attached to the Staff of the Queen's Army
Guerrillas de Martin Zubano1837Guerrillas de Martin ZubanoMajor C. V. Z. Attached to the Staff of the Queen's Army
Aduanero o guerrillero carlista1837Aduanero o guerrillero carlistaVanzeller, Charles - Major
1-5 emaitza 5tik.