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Titre: A parsing synopsis of the 788 forms of the verb in St. Lukes Gospel from Leiçarragas New Testament of the year 1571 : by E.S. Dodgson / Ponsonby M.P. Vincent.
Auteur(s): Vincent, Ponson B.
Edition: Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press, 1913.
Description: Separata de: The American Journal of Philology. Vol. XXXIV, 1913, No 133
Disponible también en versión electrónica (Internet)
Description physique: P. 93-95 ;
Date de publication: 1913
URI/URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10690/2068
Copyright: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.es
Origen: http://www.kmliburutegia.eus/Record/21037
Collection(s) :Livres et brochures

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