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A Synopsis analytical and quotational, of the verbal forms in the baskish New Testament printed at La Rochelle in 1571 / Edward Spencer Dodgson.1907A Synopsis analytical and quotational, of the verbal forms in the baskish New Testament printed at La Rochelle in 1571 / Edward Spencer Dodgson.Dodgson, Edward Spencer, (1857-1922)
For twenty-one years I have believed that there is element common to Keltic and to Baskish.. / E.S. Dodgson.1907For twenty-one years I have believed that there is element common to Keltic and to Baskish.. / E.S. Dodgson.Dodgson, Edward Spencer, (1857-1922)
Synopsis of the verb in Leizarraga's baskish New Testament / Edward S. Dodgson.1907Synopsis of the verb in Leizarraga's baskish New Testament / Edward S. Dodgson.Dodgson, Edward Spencer, (1857-1922)
Inconsiderative / E.S. Dodgson.1907Inconsiderative / E.S. Dodgson.Dodgson, Edward Spencer, (1857-1922)
The Leiçarragan verb / E.S. Dodgson.1907The Leiçarragan verb / E.S. Dodgson.Dodgson, Edward Spencer, (1857-1922)
1907"Bulk" and Baskish "Bulka" / E.S. Dodgson.Dodgson, Edward Spencer, (1857-1922)
Birch-sap wine : its manufacture / Edward S. Dodgson.1907Birch-sap wine : its manufacture / Edward S. Dodgson.Dodgson, Edward Spencer, (1857-1922)
Omar Khayyám in Baskish / Edward S. Dodgson.1907Omar Khayyám in Baskish / Edward S. Dodgson.Dodgson, Edward Spencer, (1857-1922)
Inscriptions in old Biscayan / Edward S. Dodgson.1907Inscriptions in old Biscayan / Edward S. Dodgson.Dodgson, Edward Spencer, (1857-1922)
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