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Showing results 1 to 20 of 45  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Ainhoa, el porche de la iglesia1882Ainhoue, the church porchSadoux, E.
Alamedas marinas, las1882Allées marines, les (The riverside paths)Sadoux, E.
Aldudes1882Les AldudesSadoux, E.
Antiguas murallas, las1882The old city walls,Sadoux, E.
Biriatu1882BiriatouSadoux, E.
Bostmendi1882The BostmendiSadoux, E.
Casa de Oses, la1882The house in OssèsSadoux, E.
Casa del Infante, la1882Maison de l'Infante, la (The Infantás house)Sadoux, E.
Casa Luis XIV, la1882The Louis XIV houseSadoux, E.
Casas vascas1882Basque houses-
Casas vascas1882Basque housesSadoux, E.
Castillo de Echaus, el1882The Chateau d'EtchauxSadoux, E.
Castillo de Hendaya, el1882The Chateau in HendayeSadoux, E.
Castillo de Sempere1882Chateau in Saint-PéeSadoux, E.
Catedral, la1882The CathedralSadoux, E.
Claustro de la catedral, el1882The Cloister of the cathedralSadoux, E.
Cruz de Fuenterrabía1882Cross in FontarabieSadoux, E.
Desfiladero y fuerte de Urdoz1882Gorge and fort of Urdos, theSadoux, E.
Fuente de Ciburu, la1882The Fountain in CiboureSadoux, E.
Fuente de San León, la1882The Saint Léon fountainSadoux, E.