Browsing by Author Major C. V. Z. Attached to the Staff of the Queen's Army
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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Caballería carlista1837Carlist Cavalry, theMajor C. V. Z. Attached to the Staff of the Queen's Army
Don Carlos, Zumalakarregi y el estado mayor1837Don Carlos, Zumalacareguy and the StaffMajor C. V. Z. Attached to the Staff of the Queen's Army
Enterrando a los muertos después de la batalla1837Burying the dead after a battleMajor C. V. Z. Attached to the Staff of the Queen's Army
Guerrillas de Martin Zubano1837Guerrillas of Martin ZubanoMajor C. V. Z. Attached to the Staff of the Queen's Army
Hospital de campaña1837Field hospitalMajor C. V. Z. Attached to the Staff of the Queen's Army
Infantería & Campamento carlista1837Carlist Infantry & EncampmentMajor C. V. Z. Attached to the Staff of the Queen's Army
Infantería de la Reina, la1837Queen's infantryMajor C. V. Z. Attached to the Staff of the Queen's Army
Legión Británica, la1837British Legion, theMajor C. V. Z. Attached to the Staff of the Queen's Army
Legión francesa en pleno ataque contra una trinchera carlista, la1837French legion storming a carlist entrenchmentMajor C. V. Z. Attached to the Staff of the Queen's Army
Oficial de Estado Mayor español & su ayudante camino del ejército1837Spanish staff officer & his servant going to the armyMajor C. V. Z. Attached to the Staff of the Queen's Army
Plaza de Vitoria, la1837Square of Vitoria, theMajor C. V. Z. Attached to the Staff of the Queen's Army
Txapelgorris, los1837Chapelgorris, theMajor C. V. Z. Attached to the Staff of the Queen's Army