Browsing by Author Coello, Francisco
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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Bergara1848BergaraCoello, Francisco
Contornos de Tolosa1848Area around Tolosa, theCoello, Francisco
Getaria1848GuetariaCoello, Francisco
Gipuzkoa1848GuipuzcoaCoello, Francisco
Oñati1848OñateCoello, Francisco
San Sebastián1848San SebastianCoello, Francisco
Territorios entre los ríos Urumea y Bidasoa que comprende los poblaciones de Altza, los Pasajes, Lezo, Errenteria, Oiartzun, Irun y Hondarribia1848Territories between the rivers Urumea and Bidasoa that include the towns of Alza, Pasajes, Lezo, Renteria, Oyarzun, Irun and FuenterrabiaCoello, Francisco
Tolosa1848TolosaCoello, Francisco
Valle del río Urola entre las villas de Azkoitia y Azpeitia1848Valley of the River Urola between the towns of Azcoitia and AzpeitiaCoello, Francisco